ReFresh Toothpaste

ReFresh is a conceptual toothpaste brand that seeks to reduce the waste generated from toothpaste tubes through sustainable packaging and recyclable materials.

To connect the product with nature, a leaf became the icon to represent ReFresh. The clean, minty green color connects to Earth and the refreshing flavor of the toothpaste. For the typeface, I found a unique, functional slab-serif font that would instantly leave an impression upon a customer browsing the toothpaste aisle. A secondary typeface was selected for better legibility in large bodies of text.

ReFresh is a brand-new company, therefore it must earn its place on the shelf next to well-established toothpaste brands. For this reason, the goal of the packaging was first to attract a customer’s attention, and then establish the company’s mission and what sets them apart from other toothpastes. With production costs also in mind, the design of the box is also limited to two colors.

Concept Project

Salisbury University

Fall 2021