dengel design

Dave Engel is a designer working in Baltimore, specializing in brand identity and packaging.

Trail Hawk
Hidden Frequency
Valentino’s Restaurant
Nguyen’s Kitchen
B.C. Brewery
Rip Current Sports
Political Science Textbook


dengel design

Trail Hawk is a conceptual high adventure company that offers a monthly subscription box. Every month, a new set of useful camping items are mailed to the customer.

The Trail Hawk brand identity draws heavy inspiration from design styles of U.S. National Parks. Posters created by the Works Progress Administration to promote the parks during the 30s and 40s were a jumping-off point for the design style of Trail Hawk.

The Trail Hawk logo is a badge and reference to National Park ranger badges and arrowhead logos. The simple but memorable fonts are reminiscent of the WPA posters. The logo needed an icon to tie to the brand, so a stylized mountain face is prominently featured on the badge.

Two Trail Hawk brand products were additionally designed to show what sort of products could be included in monthly box. Packaging for a pocketknife and a bag of cookies were designed.

The box design had to create a positive, congenial user experience but at the same time be shipping friendly. This created some limitations for the box design. On the sides of the box, the Trail Hawk branding is stamped on the side to give texture and ruggedness.


Concept Project

Salisbury University

Spring 2023